1. 增加網站歡迎界面效果:讓進入網站的客戶第一時間了解我們公司的設計水平,給客戶留下一個專業的廣告設計公司的印象。
1 increase website welcome interface effect: let into the website to the customer the first time to understand our design level, to the customer left a professional advertising design company impression.
2. 增加網站首頁的模塊,具體如下:(1)公司網站標題(2)網站內容快捷鏈接工具欄(3)簡略公司簡介(4)部分公司產品展示(5)公司經營項目詳細目錄【可以附公司產品價格目錄】(6)公司最新動態的新聞(7)公司地址以及聯系方式(8)網站客服鏈接(9)友情鏈接【暫無】(10)部分公司客戶
2 increase in website home page module, as follows: ( 1) company website header (2 ) web site content Quick Links toolbar ( 3) brief introduction ( 4) part of the company's products ( 5) company to operate the project directory [ can attach company price list ] ( 6) the company 's latest news ( 7 ) company address and contact information ( 8) web service link ( 9) links [ no ] ( 10) part of the company's customers
3. 網站內容快捷鏈接工具欄內容:
3 site content Quick Links toolbar contents:
4. 公司簡介:2010年成立于重慶大渡口區。是一家致力于全方位廣告制作加工,企業VI整體策劃 執行為一體的專業廣告服務商。公司總部位于重慶市大渡 口區香港城,現設有大渡口區門市,未來兩年內規劃在重 慶范圍內新設八家門市,打造一間廣告產品專業研發制造 車間。公司現有職員近二十人,其中大專以上學歷成員達 百分之九十以上。經過長時間的探尋,已經具備完善的管 理體系,優秀富有創造力的設計師團隊,專業且具有敬業 精神的制作安裝團隊。我們懷著“致力于為客戶提供低成 本廣告
解決方案”的理想,已成功服務過百家客戶單位, 并獲得大量好評,真誠期待與您的合作!【(1)附加公司設計部與制作部還有公司附近環境的圖片,讓客戶可以直觀了解我們是一個集實力與規范于一體的廣告設計公司(2)附加企業文化與公司精神,讓客戶能夠更深入的了解我們】
4 Company Profile: founded in 2010 in Chongqing district. Is committed to a full range of advertising production, enterprises VI planning implementation as one of the professional advertising services. The company is headquartered in Chongqing City Owatari export zone in Hongkong City, is a district 's marketing, the next two years planning in the Chongqing area to establish eight new stores, to create a product advertising professional R & D and manufacturing workshop. Company's existing staff of nearly twenty people, including college education more than ninety percent members. After a long time of exploration, already have a sound management system, excellent creative team of designers, professional and professionalism of the installation of the production team. We with " committed to providing customers with low cost advertising solutions " ideal, has successfully served hundreds of customers units, and a lot of praise, sincerely look forward to working with you for your cooperation! [ ( 1) additional company design department and production department and company environment around the picture, so that customers can intuitively understand we are a collection of strength and norms in an advertising design company ( 2) attached to the enterprise culture and the spirit of the company, so that customers can better understand us ]
5. 公司產品:拍攝公司做過的客戶產品的照片以及下載一些公司經營但是沒有實物產品的圖片
5 products: shoot the company did customer product pictures and download some companies but no real product picture
6. 公司設計作品:公司設計部設計師自發靈感設計的創意圖片
6 companies design: Design of the company designers inspired by the design of creative picture
7. 公司合作客戶:與公司長期穩定合作的客戶
7: company customers with the company long-term and stable cooperation of customers
8. 廣告知識:對公司主要產品的一些知識,讓客戶可以針對自己的需求選擇最合適的廣告方式
8: advertising knowledge of the company's main product of knowledge, so that customers can according to their need to choose the most appropriate way of advertising
9. 聯系方式:公司詳細地址【<制作部,設計部>好加上公司附近的交通線路:包括輕軌公交以及標志性建筑物】;公司座機電話;公司郵箱;公司QQ;公司傳真
9 contact: company address [ < production department, the Department of Design > Best plus company near the traffic line: including light rail transit and landmark buildings ]; company's landline phone; company; QQ; fax
10. 網站整體需要給客戶一個規范,專業,簡潔,明了的印象
10 the whole site need to give customers a standardized, professional, concise, clear impression
11. 增加一個客戶留言板,可以讓客戶留下他們的意見
11 added a client message boards, allowing customers to leave them in the comments